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How Brexit Affects Channel Island Exports

How Brexit Affects Channel Island Exports

Following the end of the Brexit transition period on 31st December 2020, the UK logistics industry has been faced with a variety of challenges including revised EU shipping procedures and new customs regulations.

As the Channel Islands are not part of the EU, Brexit has had no direct impact on the Channel Island’s trade in goods. Any goods that are shipped from the UK and cleared will not require any additional paperwork post-Brexit, as the Channel Islands are Crown Dependencies and non-EU. The below states advice from Ferryspeed’s dedicated Customs team.

IMPORTS DIRECT FROM EU TO GSY/JSY [VIA ST MALO] – Import Safety & Security declaration required on UK system ICS

An EORI number will be required if the importer in the Channel Islands is responsible for submitting the ESD - the carrier’s responsibility is ensuring the declaration through ICS has been lodged.

EXPORTS DIRECT TO EU FROM JSY/GSY [VIA ST MALO] – Export Safety & Security declaration required

An EORI number will be required if the exporter in the Channel Islands is responsible for submitting the ESD. It’s the carrier’s responsibility to ensure the declaration through ESD through ICS has been lodged.

If the goods are travelling under TRANSIT AND NCTS, the Safety & Security declaration will be combined within the NCTS.

Imports INDIRECT to GSY / JSY Via the UK under NCTS

An EORI number will be required for NCTS or importing Zero rated goods.

Export INDIRECT to EU Via the UK under NCTS T1

An EORI number will be required to use the Common Transit or National Transit Procedures.

About Ferryspeed

With depots in Portsmouth, Jersey, Guernsey, and Leicester, Ferryspeed is the one-stop-shop for all your freight distribution needs. Specialising in door-to-door parcel, pallet, and full load distribution to and from the Channel Islands, Ferryspeed also offers a comprehensive portfolio of UK and international freight collection and delivery services. For more information, or to get a quote, call us on 023 9262 7000. To enquire about our sister company’s domestic services and fragile freight shipping service to the Isle of Wight, visit the Profreight website.


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If you have a question or would like a quote


Venture Park
Ackworth Road
Tel: 023 9262 7000
Fax: 023 9262 7175


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